
About Us

I am the most ordinary, boring recreational angler. Same as everyone. There is nothing unusual about me when it comes to that. Why, then, am I writing this if I am like everyone else? First, I want to share a sentiment: fishing is my passion. Why wouldn’t I? It’s not worse than anything else. I […]

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Ice fishing safety

Ice fishing is innately dangerous and if an angler is not really prepared for that, it can end in a tragedy. That’s why you need to be prepared for ice fishing. You have to know what to do, and what to bring with you to keep yourself safe in and outside an emergency situation. Most

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Trolling fish

What Trolling is all about It’s definitely not making subtle jokes, taking a pot shot at the fish trying to get a rise out of it until it snaps and jumps out of the water to strangle you. That would be such a devious plan. Unfortunately, nobody on record has ever managed to drive a

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